致: my dearest jia nee~你问我为什么上一篇只写一个句子罢了...酱阿...我不是写多多咯...hehe...其实叻...我也不懂要跟你讲什么啦...不是对你无言...是太多话想跟你讲...不知从何说起...真的真的很想你哦...“小队长”过后都不懂几时还会再见到你...说不定...你的肩膀可能不再属于我的了...呜呜呜...抑或是...再过不久...你也可能忘了我...但...我有个小小的要求...你...可否在心里的某一处留一个小小的地方给我...真的...小小就够了...别把我完全从你的记忆中删除...突然间好想抱你哦...想再次感受你臂弯中的温暖...还记得那时我想过要退团...你把我叫到你的班...跟我说了很多(忘了确切内容,表怪我啊,我有听你讲的)...我竟然在你班哭了...想起来还真的很“鱼”...讲真啦...我在团跟同批的感情都不好的...不是他们的问题啦...我认为应该是我的问题...唉...不懂怎样讲啦...不过...进童军有件事的确值得高兴的...就是认识了你...虽然我不常见到你...但...当我看见你时...就有一种熟悉的感觉...真的好爱你哦(注意:我不是lessbion)...总之就是...你真好...我会永远记得你的...希望你也是哦...就算某一天...你真的忘了我...我仍会用这一句来安慰自己...“不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有”
my d3ar roU roU wrote this 4 me...
actually she is just form 1 now...
but we have a very close relationship~ very close
do you know why?
it's just simply because whenever i saw her... i saw myself in the past!!!
she has an almost the same life as when i was her age...
in 1(Zhong), in scout, a girl, tanned skinned because of marching competition...>.<
but in fact... she is more pity than me... as she was a monitor this year...
i really can understand her... monitor and scout... especially she was just a form 1 student...
it's really a weird feeling when i saw her...
i wished to protect her... as in the past... someone protected me... her name is called 美心
i wished to give her my love as i received meixin's love in the past
i understand her... i knew she wont able to gain more than what i gave...
i will not forget you... my shoulder is always belong to you...
i will fetch you whereever you want me to fetch you go in the future...
i will find you in the future!!! promise!!! muacks!!!
i'm just like a big mother... right?
i can still remember while i was in standard 5... there was also a girl named Eugine...
standard 4 i think... a girl scout too...sticked to me too... just like rou rou...
in fact, all of my girl scouts are my daughters!!!
i love them forever... how you all love me... how i will love you...
maybe love more than you.. but never less than your love!!!
this is who i am...
Load Yourself with Positivity Here!!
Just read my past few blogposts, it feels like I am quite lost for the past
few years. Going to fill this blogpost with loadsssss of positivity!
Because ha...
5 years ago
u say i won't cry de...
bt i nearly 1 2 cry la...
owayz make me cry de...
i'm so hapy 2 "ren4 shi4" u...
mayb 4 years later i'll c a gal juz like me n u...
thn i'll protect her...
juz like hw u protect me...
n love her so much...
u can't "chi1 cu4" de oo...
i'll love u 2 de...
rou rou...
i wont eat vinegar(醋) de..
coz myself is vinegar(ninigirl)...
haha.. i wont eat myself lol
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